Three Week Home Workout Programme

We currently live in unprecedented times full of fear and unknowing of what the future holds and what the true hold and repercussions of Covid-19 will be. I for one am sure I’m not alone in feeling totally useless during this time and wanting to help as much as I can.

It is very important that we stay active during this time and try to maintain fitness levels.

As such, I have designed an easy to follow three week training program that will be suitable for a beginner and good fun for anyone. It is designed to help you maintain some level of fitness and attack some basic strength, anaerobic and aerobic energy systems each week to keep you ticking over. And as an added bonus it can be done with the most minimal and inventive home equipment as well as very little space!

Please feel free to share with anyone that you feel this may help keep motivated during this time of solitude. And please remember to Stay at home, Protect the NHS and Save lives.

Week 1

Over Head SquatUse a PVC Pipe, mop or broomstick!8360s
Push-Up WeightedUse a backpack with anything in to create weight8360s
Front Rack Step UpUse a backpack, sandbag or bag of potatoes to front rack8360s
Chair DipsResting your hands on the end of the chair seat to perform dips8360s
Spiderman Push-upsNot your favourite neighbourhood super-hero…8360s
Russian TwistsUse a backpack, sandbag or bag of potatoes or food15360s
Workout 2 – Metabolic Conditioning
10 Rounds:

20s Squat Jumps
20s Sprawls
20s Mountain Climbers

Rest 30s
Workout 3 – Aerobic Capacity
3 Rounds:

30s High Knees
30s Burpees
30s Jumping Jacks
30s Alternating Lunges
30s Skaters
30s Mountain Climber Twists

Rest 90s

Week 2

Over Head SquatUse a PVC Pipe, mop or broomstick!10360s
Push-Up WeightedUse a backpack with anything in to create weight10360s
Front Rack Step UpUse a backpack, sandbag or bag of potatoes to front rack10360s
Chair DipsResting your hands on the end of the chair seat to perform dips10360s
Spiderman Push-upsNot your favourite neighbourhood super-hero…10360s
Russian TwistsUse a backpack, sandbag or bag of potatoes or food10360s
Workout 2 Metabolic Conditioning
5 Rounds:

30s Burpees
15s Rest
30s Wide Mountain Climber
15s Rest
30s Squat Jumps
15s Rest
30s Plank Tucks
15s Rest
Workout 3 Aerobic Capacity
3 Rounds:

90s Skipping
30s Mountain Climbers
90s High Knees
30s Push Ups or Plank Step Ups

90s Rest

Week 3

Over Head SquatUse a PVC Pipe, mop or broomstick!8460s
Push-Up WeightedUse a backpack with anything in to create weight8460s
Front Rack Step UpUse a backpack, sandbag or bag of potatoes to front rack8460s
Chair DipsResting your hands on the end of the chair seat to perform dips8460s
Spiderman Push-upsNot your favourite neighbourhood super-hero…8460s
Russian TwistsUse a backpack, sandbag or bag of potatoes or food15360s
Workout 2 Metabolic Conditioning
3 Rounds:
30s Squat Jumps
30s Mountain Climbers
30s Rest

3 Rounds:
30s Burpees
30s Mountain Climber Twists
30s Rest

3 Rounds:
30s Alternating Lunges
30s Push Ups or Plank Step Ups
30s Rest

3 Rounds:
30s High Knees
30s Bicycle Crunches
30s Rest
Workout 3 Aerobic Capacity
3 Rounds:

60s Jumping Jacks
60s Alternating Lunges
60s Get-Ups
60s Push Ups or Plank Step Ups

90s Rest

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